Gear you can trust.

Everyone has their “security blanket” when they travel. Some peice of tech or pillow that you would dread to lose or fly without. We all have also struggled to find that one magical cord or charger to help us make to the end of the day. It is amazing how many things I have tried and tested over the years. Today our goal is to save you the years and just jump to what has worked for us. Here is our favorite Trusted Travel Gear.

For your ears.

First off when we fly with kids one of them is guarantied to be a lousy traveler. The youngest McKnight has always been the bad flyer in the family. She has some sort of magical ability to not pop her ears. This made her a special kind of pain in the butt! That was until we used EarPlanes. We had tried every gimmick and wives tails to try to make her not mind flying. Use of the EarPlanes solved the problem. It was like night and day for her. This one thing magically changed how we travel.  It’s like putting your ears or kid into “airplane mode“.


More Media The Better

The next item helps with entertainment options for the kids when they don’t have WiFi or their device is full. It is the File Hub. It is a battery back up that also has an SD card slot. How it works is you load the SD card full movies and it sends out a WiFi signal that you connect to you and you can watch what ever is stored on the memory card. This little device has been a lifesaver more then once.

Its not just a bag.

Luggage is important, very important. We have used so many bags over the year but we finally found what we liked. First in a world full of black bags: Be a pink one. We like American Tourister, particularly a hard case. Have you watched luggage get loaded and unloaded on a plane? Your bags take a beating. Also hard cases a more water proof then a soft one. I just watched my bag get snowed on for the last hour in St. Louis. It’s also fun to get a Disney bag. Not the Disney brand, they fall apart faster. Stick with the Disney American Tourister bags.  Good old R2D2 has worked for me for years!

More Power

The parks demand a lot on your phone with the MDX. You need dependable power to get your phone charged up. Here are couple that have stood the test of time for us.  I have used so many lemons before I found these to trust!  There is even a need for a wireless charger that has a kick stand!

Babies in the Parks

Got a baby at the park? Renting a stroller is a must but if you have very little on then a baby character is a good thing to have on had. The Sasman’s have a trusted companion to help Free up your hands.  This gets the nod over its competitors for its comfort for both parent and baby.  It can be worn  both front and back unlike many others out there.  One great thing is how easy it is to put on, so many baby carriers are like trying to play twister to put them on.  The mesh sides help to keep the baby cool!

Staying cool at Walt Disney World

It’s hot in Florida and you need to keep your cool.  Drinking water is important and Disney allows you to get FREE ICE water.  There are some great options for keeping it cold. The Sasmans have a few favorites for days in the parks.  Their kids love the Hydro Flask! If you are really close to melting in the heat as you venture around the Animal Kingdom you could even don a Necklace Fan!


Don’t Forget Your Socks

You walk a lot at Disney so shoes and socks are a must. Show wise what works for you doesn’t mean it will work for me. Socks however a great pair of running sock is key. These are Derek’s standby. They do exactly what you need them to do. The key is to remember to pack them.

The most important travel gear of all!

Now last but not least with kids their entertainment source is important. The Sasman’s are Nintendo switch people where the McKnights are iPad people. Picking what fits your family is the important part. You also need to be able to listen to them, don’t be the people that let your kids listen with out headphones.  Those parents are as bad as the guy that puts his coat in the overhead ben on a full flight!   Here are the ones that the McKnight children have managed not to destroy!  These JBL ones have lasted longer then any other headphone in our house.  Personally I think my kids goal is to break things.  The Beats,  well that is for mom and dad.  These are not the noise canceling ones, but just a step below.  They do a great job of limiting the noise from the kids were were not put into “airplane mode”


So there you have the stuff the Rope Drop Crew uses time and time again!  Looking for more details about each of these check out the Podcast about this gear here!